
周神助牧師Rev. Nathaniel Chow
Asia for JESUS國度豐收協會共同創辦人
靈糧全球使徒性網絡 團隊主席
Co-founder and Honorary Chairman of Asia for JESUS
President of BOL Global Apostolic Network
2007年年初,在Asia for JESUS創立之時,周牧師夫婦為周巽光、周巽正、晏信中、Jaeson Ma、腓力曼都法五位當時的青年牧者按手禱告,周牧師禱告:「希望身上的恩膏,不是雙倍而是三倍地澆灌他們,讓他們親眼看見亞洲的復興!」而這個恩膏,成為Asia for JESUS各樣事工的祝福和基石。 現任「靈糧全球使徒性網絡」團隊主席,致力於「全球華人教會的合一」,同時也是Asia for JESUS國度豐收協會榮譽理事長。
Nathaniel Chow was born in Nantou, Taiwan in 1941, and he married his wife in 1971. He is the father of Ewen and Jonathan Chow, the two co-founders of Asia for JESUS. He is not only the earthly father of the two co-founders, but also the spiritual father of Asia for JESUS.
In the beginning of 2007, the time at which Asia for JESUS was being established, Nathaniel Chow and his wife prayed for the five young leaders Ewen Chow, Jonathan Chow, Timothy Yen, Jason Ma, and Philip Mantofa: "I pray that the grace of God will not only doubly, but triply pour out onto these young men’s lives, so that they may see revival in Asia!” And this gift of prayer has become the blessing and cornerstone to all ministries of Asia for JESUS. Nathaniel Chow is currently the President of the BOL Global Apostolic Network, which is committed to working towards unity of the global Chinese churches, and is also the honorary chairman of Asia for JESUS.

腓力·曼都法牧師 Rev. Philip Mantofa
Asia for JESUS國度豐收協會共同創辦人
印尼沙崙玫瑰教會 副主任牧師
Co-founder of Asia for JESUS
Vice Chairman of Rose of Sharon Churches Indonesia
2006首次受邀來台舉辦,挑戰全台的青年奮起為神國爭戰,並於2007年再次來台舉辦「神大能醫治佈道會」,會中無數人經歷神超自然的醫治。腓力牧師對年輕人與神國復興有極大的負擔,更在2007年在周神助牧師的祝福下,與巽光、巽正、信中與Jason Ma彼此結盟,Asia for JESUS正式成立。藉著腓力的恩膏與激勵,Asia for JESUS不只在台灣帶領復興運動,更是不斷前往世界各地拓展神的國度。
Philip Mantofa was born in Indonesia in 1974, and he studied in Taiwan during his elementary school years. In 1998, he received his calling from the Lord when in Canada, and he returned to the Indonesia to serve as a pastor. With confidence and courage, he led more than 35,000 Christians in the Rose of Sharon Church in Surabaya, Indonesia, and planted more than 70 local churches. He has travelled to various parts of the world to host evangelical meetings, and has led more than 50,000 souls to the Lord.
In 2006, he was invited to Taiwan to speak for the first time, and he challenged the congregation to fight for the Kingdom of God. In 2007, he came to Taiwan again to hold the "Festival of God’s Power Evangelical meeting" and many people experienced the supernatural healing power of God during the meeting. Rev. Philip has a great burden for young people and revival for the Kingdom of God. In 2007, under the blessing of the Rev. Nathaniel Chow, he became formally involved with the connection with Ewen, Jonathan, Timothy and Jason Ma; and Asia for JESUS was officially established. Through the anointing and encouragement of Philip, not only does Asia for JESUS lead the revival movement in Taiwan, but also brings the revival to other places of the world, expanding the kingdom of God.
Philip is not only a revival leader and healing evangelist, but also an outstanding entrepreneur. In recent years, he has put much effort into the field of creativity and art, and painted many paintings referencing scenes in the Bible. His preaching and ministry are rooted in his abundance love for God. Philip often says, "Many people equip themselves for ministry so that they can serve others. I equip myself for ministry purely out of my love for God. Love is the focus of my life, not authority.”

Asia for JESUS國度豐收協會共同創辦人/執行長
台北靈糧堂青年牧區 區牧長
Co-founder and President of Asia for JESUS
Taipei Bread of Life Youth Ministry Leader
Executive VP of BOL Global Apostolic Network 致力於在華人眾教會間傳講天國文化的信息,渴望以天國文化帶領團隊與教會,營造充滿神同在、聖靈自由運行、弟兄姐妹健康成長的屬靈環境。
周巽光牧師領導Asia for JESUS團隊,於台灣與世界各地舉辦培靈及佈道會、裝備課程。渴望以「天國文化門訓列國」,期待亞洲與列國的教會都要在天國文化中經歷更新與蛻變。他相信神將興起擁有天國文化思想,並充滿超自然神大能的大軍,在校園、城市,以致國家、全地帶下復興與轉化!
Ewen Chow is committed to preaching the Kingdom Culture messages among the Chinese churches, eager to lead his team and the churches into the Presence of God deeply. It is his desire to create a spiritual environment filled with the Presence of God and the Holy Spirit, and that the brothers and sisters may grow spiritually by God’s grace.
Besides a busy preaching itinerary in Taiwan and other countries, Ewen was also the leader of Joshua Band from 1998 to 2019. He had been serving in this position for 20 years, and the band has also released 20+ worship albums. Joshua Band often travels to various cities in Taiwan and other countries, leading brothers and sisters in the congregation to enter the Presence of God through worship and praise music. In 2019, Ewen passed this leading role to the leaders of next generation, but continues to serve as a consultant and supporter to the band.
Ewen has been leading the Asia for JESUS team to organize training courses, evangelical meetings and equip courses in Taiwan and around the world. He is eager to disciple the nations through the Kingdom Culture values, longing to see churches experience renewal and transformation. He believes that God will raise up an army filled with Kingdom Culture perspective and supernatural power, and there will be revival and transformation on campuses, cities, countries and the nations all over the world!

周巽正牧師 Rev. Jonathan Chow
Asia for JESUS國度豐收協會共同創辦人/副執行長
Co-founder and Vice-President of Asia for JESUS
Lead Pastor of Taipei Bread of Life Church
Jonathan Chow has much burden for equipping, teaching, evangelizing and education. He not only leads the Life Bible Center (based at Taipei Bread of Life Church), he also puts much effort in marketplace evangelism, and his students, thousands of Kingdom leaders, are all across Asia. Jonathan Chow is a father of three precious children; and with a lot of experiences in education and shepherding, he received a vision in 2015 and founded the Ruah International Academy. It is his desire to prepare a healthy learning environment for children that focuses on the Truth and values that are according to God’s heart, and he longs to see more Chinese churches found schools of innovation, breaking through the current education framework.
Jonathan Chow is often invited to major conferences. In addition to being a special speaker, he frequently serves as the translator for many international lecturers such as Reinhard Bonnke, Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, Philip Mantofa, and Apostle Maldonado Guillermo. He often takes his team on mission trips around the world, and serves at many churches across nations. At the same time, he disciples many influential entrepreneurs and celebrities, connecting various resources to continuously expand the influence of the Heavenly Kingdom.
晏信中牧師 Rev. Timothy Yen
Asia for JESUS國度豐收協會共同創辦人/副執行長
台北靈糧堂創意藝術媒體處 處長
Co-founder and Vice President of Asia for JESUS
Taipei Bread of Life Church Creative Division Director
Graduated from the department of Entertainment Arts, California State University, Fullerton, Timothy knows the influence of media on the younger generations, and so he passionately serves in media-related ministries. He is eager to bring transformation to societies, countries, and to the younger generation through the media. At the same time, he also shepherds many young adults, marketplace leaders, entertainment celebrities, to promote Kingdom Culture and its influence. In recent years, he has puts much effort in “God’s Presence Healing Evangelical Meetings” and “Kingdom Culture Equip Courses”, and many have experienced supernatural healing. He longs to see churches enter the supernatural realm in the Presence of God.
Timothy Yen has three children, and he often thinks about how to bring out the heart of our Heavenly Father in his preaching and speech. He desires to see fathers’ hearts turn to their children, and children’s hearts turn to their fathers. He is passionate about youth ministry and youth leaders, and he longs to build a strong army of God, leading the young generations into God’s glory and victory, guiding the youth leaders into transformation and into the process of sanctification bearing the image of Christ.

廖文華牧師 Rev. Ian Liao
Asia for JESUS國度豐收協會 共同創辦人
Co-founder of Asia for JESUS
Lead Pastor of Taipei Truth Church
Founder and Chairman of House of Dreams
財經法律碩士、英國劍橋大學商學院創業管理學程,他獲選為「十大傑出青年」,也獲頒「青年獎章」和「台灣真英雄」等殊榮。曾經三度接受總統接見表揚,並在國家祈禱早餐會講道,也曾於TED X Taipei演講。經常受邀於企業、校園、非營利組織演講,也是許多教會、大型特會、佈道會的講員,遍及台灣和亞洲各國。
Ian Liao holds a Master of Science in Finance and Law, and a degree from Business Management Program at the University of Cambridge Business School. He was elected as one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Youths" and awarded the "Youth Medal" and "Taiwan True Hero”. He had been personally awarded by the President, having preached at the National Prayer Breakfast, and also had the chance to give a speech at TED X Taipei. He is often invited to give lectures at business environments, campuses, and non-profit organizations. He is also a speaker at many churches, large Christian conferences, and evangelistic conferences throughout Taiwan and Asia.
It is his desire to win souls for Christ, to mentor disciples, to establish churches that brings God glory, to bring revival and transformation to the country, and to raise up the next generation. He enjoys serving with his wife, and they have two lovely daughters, Cherish and Asia. He is most proud of his identity as a father, which brings him most joy when he spends time with his children.