1月 January
1/10-1/11 2020天國文化特別聚會
1/10-1/11 2020 Kingdom Culture Conference

由伯特利教會使徒性治理團隊資深領袖比爾強生主講。Asia for JESUS執行長周巽光牧師特別在聚會中談起舉辦初衷,是十二年前他生日當天,意外讀到比爾牧師所寫的《行在神蹟中》,受到極深的震撼,開始想把「天國文化」帶進華人教會。兩年的努力後,神為台灣開門,如今,已是比爾牧師連續第十一年來台分享,也看見當年周巽光牧師期待的「每個基督徒活出超自然生活、遠離宗教和律法主義、下一代可以在健康的文化中成長」,都走在實踐的路上。
The conference was mainly preached by Pastor Bill Johnson, Senior Leader of the Apostolic network at Bethel Church. During the conference, Pastor Ewen Chow, CEO of Asia for JESUS, took time to share the original intention of holding the Kingdom Culture conferences: twelve years ago on his birthday, he came across the book "The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mine: Access to a Life of Miracles" written by Ps. Bill Johnson, and was deeply inspired. He wanted to bring "Kingdom Culture" into the Chinese churches too. After two years of hard work, God opened the door for Taiwan. This time was the 11th consecutive year that Ps. Johnson came to Taiwan to share in Kingdom Culture conferences. We are also starting to see what Ps. Ewen Chow has been hoping, that "Every Christians is living a supernatural life, not confined nor restricted to religion and legalism; coming together as a generation thriving in a healthy environment ".
1/15-1/16 2020先知學校特會
1/15-1/16 2020 Prophetic School Conference

於新店行道會舉行,邀請到伯特利教會資深領袖/超自然事奉學校創辦人之一的克里斯˙韋羅頓牧師(Kris Vallotton)主講,並首次邀請101教會與心欣城市教會先知性事工主責牧者李協聰擔任講員,以及台北靈糧堂青年牧區藝術媒體團隊主責牧者晏信中、伯特利先知性事工林君璞姐妹,分享在過去年歲中,神是如何帶領、訓練他們、又該如何操練自己,一步一步走進神的心意中。
The conference was held at Miracle Top Church, and invited speakers included Pastor Kris Vallotton, Senior Leader of Bethel Church and one of the founders of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry; Pastor Timothy Yen, the leader of the Art Media Team of the Youth Ministry in Taipei Bread of Life; and Sister Lin Jun-Pu, member of the Bethel Prophetic Ministry . We also invited Pastor Lee, 101 Church and Star City Church Prophetic Ministry Leader, for the first time. The speakers shared about how God has faithfully led and trained them in the past years, and encouraged the audience to self- discipline wisely to walk into the Kingdom of God.
1/17-1/18 2020可以勇敢特會
1/17-1/18 2020 Empower Conference

本次的特會除克里斯・韋羅頓 (Kris Vallotton)牧師給姐妹的鼓勵、從聖經真理而來的領導法則,也有繪畫、美姿美儀、彩妝、飲食健康等四個領域的專業講師分組課程,還有特別來賓璽恩SienVanessa、蕭雅文、許力今分享到女性創業的苦與甘。
Pastor. Kris Vallotton preached and encouraged the sisters at the conference and taught about leadership based from biblical truths. In addition to the encouragement given by Ps. Kris Vallotton, this conference also included professional lecturers in the fields of drawing, etiquettes and postures, beauty makeup use, and healthy diets. There were also special guests Sien Vanessa, Eileen Hsiao, and Hsu at the conference who shared with the audience their joys and hardships on the road of female entrepreneurship.
1/19 2020先知性舞蹈課程
1/19 2020 Prophetic Dance Courses
2月 February
2/21-2/22 ID走入命定-台北
2/21-2/22 Your Destiny Revealed -China
3月 March
3/6-3/8 君尊的敬拜-台中
3/6-3/8 How to Worship a King -Taichung
3/9-3/13 2020約書亞春季敬拜學校
Joshua Band Worship School (Spring)- Taichung
5月 May
5/23-5/24 蒙福人生-高雄
5/23-5/24 The Blessed Life -Kaohsiung
7月 July
7/31、8/1、8/7、8/8 Think Differently Live Differently -Taipei
Live Zoom equipping lessons debut.
8月 August
8/19-8/21 ROAR青吶特會

R.O.A.R個別象徵「Radical激進的」、「On fire火熱的」、「Apostolic使徒性」、「Revival復興」,渴望興起更多年輕領袖,領受屬靈家庭中的產業、並領受使命帶來改變。特會中聚集了110間教會、近1200名學員參與,特會緣起於2019年亞洲青年覺醒特會後,眾牧者對南臺灣年輕人要領受復興的回應行動。由南台灣使徒團隊主辦,眾教會與Asia for JESUS共同協辦,並首次同步以ZOOM直播聚會內容,使全球各地的青年皆可領受信息。
R.O.A.R individually stands for "Radical", "On Fire" "Apostolic" and “ evival", wanting to raise up more young leaders to inherit from the previous generation and receive their calling to make a difference. The conference gathered 110 churches, nearing 1200 students in participation. This conference was a response event from the 2019 Youth Awakening conference, pastors hoped the youths of southern Taiwan can also receive the same passion the youth did from that conference. Put together with the BOL Apostolic Team in Southern Taiwan leading many other churches with Asia for JESUS partnering, this was the first event to be broadcasted live on Zoom allowing youths from all over the world to receive the messages together.
9月 September
9/4-9/6 蒙福人生-彰化
9/4-9/6 The Blessed Life –Changhua
11月 November
11/27-11/29 君尊的敬拜-新竹
11/27-11/29 How to Worship a King -Hsinchu
12月 December
12/5-12/6 不同凡想的自由-高雄
12/5-12/6 Think Differently Live Differently - Kaohsiung
1月 January

1/4-1/6 The Blessed Life- Tainan
1/29-1/31 How to Worship a King- Kaohsiung
1/25-1/27 Elements- Tainan
1/28-1/31 Joshua Band Worship School (Winter)- Kaohsiung
2/1 Joshua Band Worship Night- Kaohsiung
2月 February
2/12-2/14 天國文化領袖高峰會-身份、信念、啟動命定和轉化
2/12-2/14 Kingdom Culture Summit- Identity, Belief, Activate the destiny and transformation
再度邀請伯特利教會使徒性治理團隊資深領袖比爾・強生牧師、偕同伯特利教會全球使徒關係網絡領袖團隊副執行長史蒂夫‧貝克藍牧師、以及靈糧全球使徒性網絡團隊主席周神助牧師、台北真道教會主任牧師廖文華牧師、Asia for JESUS執行長周巽光牧師分享更深入的天國文化信息,透過講員的信息,幫助會眾找到神兒子的身份、建立信念,進而啟動命定,為國家、職場、家庭、教會帶來轉化。
2/12-2/14 Kingdom Culture Summit- Identity, Belief, Activate the destiny and transformation We invited Pastor Bill Johnson, the Senior leader of Apostolic team from Bethel Church again with Pastor Steve Backlund who’s the Assistant Director of Global Legacy also from Bethel Church, and Pastor Nathaniel Chow who’s the Chairman of Bread of Life Global Apostolic Network, Pastor Ian Liao from Truth Church, also Pastor Ewen Chow who’s the President of Asia for JESUS, who shared more in-depth messages about the Kingdom Culture. Through the messages shared by the speakers, it helped the congregation to find the identity as Sons of God, establish the beliefs, activate the destinies individually, and then bring transformation into churches, families, workplaces and countries.
3月 March
3/27-3/29 蒙福人生-馬來西亞
3/4-3/9 Entering the Kingdom- Taipei
3/27-3/29 The Blessed Life- Malaysia
4月 April
4/9-4/10 天國元素-中國
4/12-4/14 How to Worship a King- Changhua
4/5-4/7 Entering the Kingdom- Singapore
4/9-4/10 Elements- China
4/23-4/26 天國恩典文化特會
4/23-4/26 The Grace
「上游事工」創辦人藍道夫‧沃力(Randall Worley)牧師再度來台,白天特會特別教導關於啟示錄的信息,晚會則透過聖經中所羅門王求智慧的故事,帶領神的兒女領受屬天信息。
Founder of Headwaters Ministries, Pastor Randall Worley, came to Taiwan again to share his messages. At daytime, he unfolded Revelation; during the night, he focused on the story of how King Solomon asked God for wisdom, in order to benefit the children of God via these heavenly messages.
5月 May
5/3-5/5 天國元素-中國
5/6-5/8 Asia for JESUS 牧者退修會
5/27-5/31 三代牧者恩寵之旅
5/3-5/5 Elements- China
5/6-5/8 Asia for JESUS Leaders’ Retreat
5/17-5/19 Elements- Taipei
5/27-5/31 Trip of Grace and Favor for Leaders of Three Generations
5/24-5/25 可以勇敢特會-台南
5/24-5/25 Be Brave: Just be the way you are Conference- Tainan

首次於台南虹韻文創中心舉辦特會,由Asia for JESUS執行總監陳麗吉、璽恩 SiEn Vanessa、蕭雅文、劉莉芳傳道帶來個人的生命經驗,分享姊妹在生活中各層面所遇到的困難,如何以實際方法面對,從生活角度去陪伴姊妹走「好好的做自己。」這條路。
It was the first time for Asia for JESUS to hold conferences at Rainbow Hymn of Tainan. Speakers including Li Ji Chen, executive director of Asia for JESUS, SiEn Vanessa, Eileen Hsiao and Preacher Li Fang Liu were invited to share personal experience on the difficulties for sisters particularly among all aspects of life also how shall face them practically, so sisters can truly live out the tagline of this conference ----“just be the way you are.”
6月 June
6/8-6/9 不同凡想的自由-洛杉磯
6/14-6/17 君尊的敬拜-溫哥華
6/8-9/9 Think Differently Live Differently- Los Angeles
6/14-6/17 How to Worship a King- Vancouver
6/21-6/23 The Blessed Life- Hsinchu
7月 July
7/2-7/5 才藝品格營
7/2-7/5 Character Building Camp

The theme for this year was “Maker of Internet Celebrities”. Through character-focused lectures and evening gathering, many teenagers were touched by God and even for those who never encounter him before, which had allowed God to walk into many of their lives. Special guests included Cheng Ho, Founder of CHOXUE, the “Florist Pastor” Abraham Lo, the “Cancer Survivor” Preacher Wei Ping Wu, to share with the teenagers their journeys, strengthening attendees with courage to face difficulties, perseverance to hold on to their dreams, and hope to look for a bright future.
7/19-7/21 ID走入命定-台北
7/19-7/21 Your Destiny Revealed- Taipei
7/29-8/31 Joshua Band Summer Worship School- Tainan

After the winter worship school at Kaohsiung, Joshua Band again came to Southern Taiwan, looking forward to lead participants entering supernatural realm of worship and a deeper level of devotion, also releasing the influence on earth as it is in heaven through series of informative courses.
7/26-7/28 Elements- Tainan
8月 August
8/2 Worship Night with Joshua Band: Towards Jesus' Love
8/9-8/11 How to Worship a King- Tainan
8/30-9/1 Elements- Kaohsiung
8/19-8/21 Youth Awakening Conference in Asia

We've cooperated with churches of different denominations to host this event, featuring Ps Philip Mantofa from the Mawar Sharon Church in Indonesia. In addition, we've also invited guest speakers who are passionate about the youth revival and transformation on campus or in the marketplace to share with the attendees. We expect to see not only the revival break out among the youth in Taiwan, but all the young people from different places in Asia can all rise up and fix their eyes upon what's happening in the Kingdom, longing for revival, longing to see souls being saved and carrying the burden to see transformation in their midst!
10月 October
10/3-10/5 啟動天國人生-紐西蘭
10/3-10/5 Entering the Kingdom- New Zealand
10/16-17 自由特會
10/16-17 Freedom Conference
再次邀請到創辦Gateway教會「自由事工」、並擁有多年諮商輔導訓練的Bob Hamp(鮑伯・漢普)來擔任特會講員。特會內容與前兩屆內容大為不同,除了檢視自身,也更多聚焦在如何與他人連結,並給予學員許多重新思考的模式與更新的操練。
Bob Hamp was invited again this time as the conference speaker. He is the founder of the Freedom Ministry of the Gateway Church and has many years of counselling experience. The focus of the conference this year was quite different from the previous two; in addition to examining oneself, the conference also focused on how to connect with others, teaching students to have renewed ways of thinking and new ways of discipline.
10/18-10/20 ID走入命定-中國
10/25-10/26 不同凡想的自由-中國
10/18-10/20 Your Destiny Revealed -China
10/25-10/26 Think Differently Live Differently -China
11月 November
11/20-11/21 情感整全特會
11/20-11/21 Emotional Wellness Conference
首次邀請到伯特利教會主責牧者關顧與諮商事工的傑森‧韋羅頓( Jason‧Vallotton )牧師分享,透過特會,幫助神的兒女們能夠在情感上有健康的表達和反應,塑造一個全然健康,整全成熟健康文化。
For the first time, Pastor Jason Vallotton, Pastoral Care Overseer and Director of Operations, was invited to speak. Through the conference, Ps. Vallotton helped the audience as children of God to have emotional health to express themselves well and to respond well. This was to help the brothers and sisters to shape a culture of maturity and well-being in their lives.
1月 January
1/5-1/7 蒙福人生-高雄
1/26-1/28 啟動天國人生-台南
1/5-1/7 The Blessed Life- Kaohsiung
1/26-1/28 Entering the Kingdom- Tainan
2月 February
02/03-04 Gateway敬拜巡迴
02/03-04 Gateway Worship Tour
Gateway Worship band from Dallas USA, has revisited Taiwan again. This time they traveled to Kaohsiung, once again leading the brothers and sisters to enter the Presence of God in worship.
02/07-02/09 天國文化特會-得勝人生的屬天智慧
02/07-02/09 Kingdom Culture Conference – Reigning in Life

首度邀請在中南美洲擁有國度性影響力,牧養兩萬人教會,來自Casa de Dios事工創辦人暨主任牧師的凱什‧盧納牧師分享見證與信息。所有講員一同透過聖經箴言中所羅門王的智慧,領受轉化的關鍵,從個人、家庭、到城市和國家都能夠實際經歷「在地如在天」 榮耀異象。
For the first time, we invited Pastor Cash Luna, highly influential in Central and South America as a follower of Christ, and also the founder and chief pastor of Casa de Dios, a church with 20,000 people, to give a testimony and message. He shared from the book of Proverbs, and the congregation learned the key of transformation through the wisdom of King Solomon; we long to see transformation in individuals, in families, in cities and countries, and that all people can experience the glorious vision of “on earth as it is in Heaven”.
2/24-2/25 蒙福人生-美國
2/24-2/25 The Blessed Life- USA
3月 March
03/06-03/09 三代牧者恩寵之旅
03/06-03/09 Trip of Grace and Favor for Leaders of Three Generations

In this trip of Grace and Favor, the leaders were able to get good rest physically and spiritually. The pastors experienced deeper connections with one another, and there was unity between the pastors of the generations, as they communicated and interacted during this blessed time together.
3/9-3/11 ID走入命定-高雄
3/9-3/11 Your Destiny Revealed- Kaohsiung
03/21-03/24 Youth Retreat at Malaysia
We traveled to Malaysia to equip and raise up teenagers of the area. Through preaching messages from the Kingdom Culture, the Presence of God came into the midst of us.
3/24-3/27 蒙福人生-馬來西亞
3/24-3/27 The Blessed Life- Malaysia
4月 April
04/09-04/11 Asia for JESUS 城市牧者論壇
04/09-04/11 Asia for JESUS Ministers’ Forum
The core leaders have gathered together to share and discuss issues deep in their hearts, and Rev. Mike Connell was invited to share as the main speaker.
4/13-4/15 ID走入命定-台南
5/4-5/6 蒙福人生-台北
5/19、5/26 ID走入命定-桃園
4/13 Your Destiny Revealed- Tainan
5/4-5/6 The Blessed life- Taipei
5/19, 5/26 Your Destiny Revealed- Taoyuan
5月 May
05/29-05/31 Win and Win Parenting

再次邀請Seth Dahl(賽斯‧達爾)牧師來台,幫助父母用更合神心意的方式教育下一代。並邀請King’s kids兒童事工負責人-晏信中牧師,及各界的育兒專家如黃瑽寧醫師、洪英正教授等,從屬天的角度出發,分享實際的教養觀念及暢談親子關係的秘訣。
Once again we invited Pastor Seth Dahl to Taiwan, to help parents teach the next generation in ways that brings honor to God. We also invited Pastor Timothy Yen, the president of King’s Kids Children’s Ministry, pediatrician Dr. TN Huang and Professor Hung, Ying-Cheng, to share practical ways of parenting and tips to improve relationships with the next generation, from the heavenly perspective.
6月 June
6/8-6/9 ID走入命定-紐西蘭
6/29-7/1 蒙福人生-台南
6/8-6/9 Your Destiny Revealed, New Zealand
6/29-7/1 The Blessed Life, Tainan
7月 July
7/9-7/12 Character Building Camp

做為幾乎是全台最大型的青少年福音營會,藉由品格講座以及晚會的分享,觸摸許多青少年的心,讓神能走進尚未認識祂的孩子的生命中。 特別來賓邀請到品格籃球協會創辦人楊德恩,以及金曲入圍最佳女歌手Faye(飛)、音樂才子Sam Lin、廣告新秀小暖男曾理,與青少年分享他們的心路歷程,帶給在場學員充滿盼望和夢想的力量。
Possibly the biggest Youth Gospel Camp in Taiwan, which has allowed God to walk into many of the teenagers’ lives. Through conference messages and sharings, the speakers have touched the hearts of the teenagers who attended the camp. Special guests included Daniel Yang, Founder and CEO of Taiwan Character Basketball, Golden Globe Awards Nominee Faye, talented musician Sam Li, celebrity Li Tseng, to share with the teenagers their journeys, bringing much hope and strength to the congregation.
7/21、7/28 ID走入命定-台北
7/21、7/28 Your Destiny Revealed- Taipei
7/23-8/13 約書亞暑期敬拜學校
7/23-8/13 Joshua Band Summer Worship School
Senior members from Joshua Band and Youth and Young Adult Ministry from Taipei Bread of Life have collaborated and designed the brand new worship course. This is to serve the churches, helping the worship teams to lead the congregation to go deeper in worship.
8/21-8/23 Youth Awakening Conference

每年8月特別為青年舉辦的特會,教導、裝備青年人,使他們能擁有影響力,並且幫助他們挖掘出神放在他們心中那份獨特的呼召,進而翻轉世界。 特會講員再次邀請到腓力‧曼督法牧師,AWAKENING TALK則特邀耐心耕耘花農牧師-羅戊昇、第51屆電視金鐘獎綜藝節目主持人-吳姍儒Sandy、LearnMode學習吧平台的策略總監-陳逸文、2017 Sony亞太區最鼓舞人心的女性主管之一-林惠媚 Lisa,與學員分享自己為主站立的故事。
The Youth Conference is held yearly in August, to teach and equip young adults to have influence in their societies, helping them to discover the calling God has put into their hearts, and so to transform the world. Pastor Philip Mantofa was invited again as the conference speaker, other guest speakers for the Awakening Talk included Pastor Luo, hostess at the 51st Golden Bell Awards Sandy Wu, strategy director at LearnMode platform Chen Yi-Wen, one of the most encouraging female leader in Sony- Asia in 2017 Lisa Li, to share their testimonies of how they stand for God.
9月 September
9/7-9/9 不同凡想的自由-高雄
9/10-9/13 天國元素-加拿大
9/7-9/9 Think Differently Live Differently- Kaohsiung
9/10-9/13 Elements, Canada
10月 October
Asia TV Officially Launched
Asia for JESUS全新的線上媒體「ASIA TV」,集結了過去Asia for JESUS所有的特會、營會信息、天國文化各個裝備課程、自製節目。
Brand new online media “Asia TV” launched by Asia for JESUS has put together all the conferences, messages, Kingdom Culture equip courses and all the self-produced shows. The videos are categorized using tags based on year, speakers and purposes, and users just need to register as members, and all the videos can be accessed for free.
10/17-10/18 Prophetic School Conference
除克里斯‧韋羅頓 (Kris Vallotton)牧師外,首度邀請到現任伯特利教會先知性事工團隊負責人─班‧阿姆斯壯(Ben Armstrong)牧師,共同於特會中分享。 他們於特會中裝備及訓練學員,聽見神的聲音,並善用先見預言與夢境解讀,帶下盼望在生活及城市中。
Besides Pastor Kris Vallontton, we also invited the current Bethel Prophetic Ministry Leader Ben Armstrong to share at the conference. They trained and equipped the students to hear the voice of God, and also to interpret dream wisely, with the purpose of bringing hope into their cities.
10/19-10/20 Sisters’ Conference

This was the first time we held the Sisters’ Conference. Besides Pastor Kris Vallotton, we also invited many sisters of difference career paths to share during the conference. By sharing through discussion, we hoped that many daughters of God may be renewed and restored, and dream courageously.
10/25-10/29 天國元素-馬來西亞
10/25-10/29 Elements- Malaysia
10/27-10/25 啟動天國人生-美國
10/27-10/25 Entering the Kingdom Life- USA
10/30-11/8 Bethel Church Visit

The annual visit includes participating in conferences, shadow different ministry and Sunday services. The visitors are restored through sharing of the speakers, and learned many valuable experiences. They are to bring these experiences and gifts back to their own churches.
11月 November
11/19-12/12 約書亞專題敬拜學校
11/19-12/12 Joshua Band Worship School
11/20-11/23 不同凡想的自由-台北
11/20-11/23 Think Differently, Live Differently- Taipei
12月 December
12/1 約書亞敬拜分享會
12/1 Joshua Band Worship Sharing Conference
Joshua Band has been around for 20 years, and it has been ministering to young adults worldwide through their gospel music. For their 20th anniversary, the band launched their first self- produced worship album “Feast of the Father”, and had meet-and-greet at Kaohsiung. Through sharing of band members, there were much fruit-bearings.
12/7-12/9 不同凡想的自由-新竹
12/7-12/9 Think Differently Live Differently- Hsinchu
1月 January
01/11-01/13 超自然創意敬拜晚會
01/11-01/13 Supernatural and Creativity Worship Night
由Sounds of the Nations創辦人,及Bethel教會先知性事奉學校與超自然敬拜學院講師Dan McCollam牧師,和School of Creative Genius 機構創辦人暨執行長Lyn Lasneski分享。
Sharing from Pastor Dan McCollam, founding director of Sounds of the Nations and teaching faculty of Bethel School of the Prophets & Bethel School of Supernatural Worship, and Lyn Lasneski, CEO and founder of School of Creative Genius.
01/11-01/14 超自然繪畫研習營
01/11-01/14 Prophetic Art Workshop
首度舉辦,邀請到School of Creative Genius 機構創辦人暨執行長Lyn Lasneski來帶領大家透過繪畫,發揮個人的天賦與創意。
For the first time, we invited Lyn Lasneski, CEO and founder of School of Creative Genius, to lead us in a time of exploring our talents and creativity through prophetic worship art.
01/23~01/25 Kingdom Culture Summit

這次高峰會聚焦在「牧者領袖」身上,Bill Johnson牧師分享到神所呼召我們的生活模式。除了以智慧塑造文化,落實於家庭生活,乃至見證自己的城市經歷轉化。他更指出除了擁有智慧外,要進入神呼召的生活模式裡,「能力」和「權柄」扮演了不可或缺的角色。天國文化特會至今已舉辦八屆,大會致力於將屬天的文化傳遞給台灣眾教會,也在全台、全亞洲、甚至全世界華人教會結出天國文化的果子。
Focusing on pastors and leaders, Pastor Bill Johnson shared about living out God’s calling in our lives. With wisdom, we are to influence our culture, bring changes to our homes, and see our own cities experience transformation. In addition, Johnson pointed out that “Power” and “Authority” are keys to entering a life of God’s calling. We have had eight Kingdom Culture conferences, and we focus on sharing the values of Kingdom to all churches in Taiwan; longing to see fruit of Kingdom Culture in churches in Taiwan, Asia and even the world.
2月 February
The Power of Believing- Strong Man Jon’s Conference

02/24-02/28 台北、基隆、宜蘭、桃園、台中
03/03-03/04 台南、高雄
02/24-02/28 Taipei、Keelung、Yilan、Taoyuan、Taichung
03/03-03/04 Tainan、Kaohsiung
Strong Man Jon and Joshua Band together held a total of 8 conferences. Through Strong Man Jon’s performance and moving testimony, many of the hearts of the children were comforted, touched and inspired. There were a total of 7,394 people who attended the conference, and 285 new comers decided to follow Jesus! After the conferences our team received many testimonies from various cities and churches, knowing that the conferences have sowed seeds of the Gospel and changed lives of many.
3月 March
03/16-03/18 Entering the Kingdom Life、How to Worship to A King–Johor Bahru, Malaysia
03/19-03/21 Entering the Kingdom Life、How to Worship to A King–Sabah, Malaysia
03/23-03/26-Trip of Grace and Favor for Leaders of Two Generations
In this trip of Grace and Favor, the leaders were able to get good rest physically and spiritually. The pastors experienced deeper connections with one another, and there was unity between the pastors of both generations, as they communicated and interacted during this blessed time together. We believe this is a beautiful thing God has done Himself. At the destined time together, all the churches joined hands to move towards the next milestone of unity in Taiwanese churches, becoming a loving big family. Pastor Nathaniel Chow also led the pastors in meditation and prayer with Psalm 67, saturating the trip with the Word of God. This inspired and connected the hearts of these pastors, so that we all have a deeper understanding of Kingdom of God and destiny of Taiwan.
4月 April
04/12-04/14 How to Worship to A King、Worship team Training–China
04/17-04/19-Asia for JESUS牧者退修會
04/17-04/19-Asia for JESUS Leaders’ Retreat

This was the 7th year of Leaders’ retreat, and our participants have expanded from youth leaders to older experienced leaders, and also from pastors coming by themselves to their whole families. The theme this year was “Two Generations Together” and “Dreaming with God”. Through values of “Kingdom Culture”, we hoped to share with the leaders a healthy view of beliefs, ministries and lives in the homes, so that they would be blessed with new anointing and revelations, thereby living out God’s callings for them.
05/08-05/11 Elements–Taipei
05/12-05/16 錄音混音工程&鍵盤音色與技巧
05/12-05/16 Recording, Audio Mixing &Keyboard Sounds and Tips
邀請Luke Hendrickson來台,他為音樂製作人、混音師、音樂家,有著十幾年專業音樂工作經驗,製作出許多敬拜音樂專輯,包含伯特利音樂、約書亞樂團等。目前在伯特利教會擔任轉播錄音工程師與伯特利音樂鍵盤、混音與製作。
We invited Luke Hendrickson, a producer, mixing engineer and musician, to Taiwan this year. He has over 10 years of professional experience and has also produced many worship albums including Bethel Music and Joshua Band. He currently works with Bethel Church as their live broadcast mixing engineer and in the areas of keyboard audio mixing and production.
05/15-05/17 ID走入命定–中國
05/21-05/22 君尊的敬拜– 美國波士頓
05/29-05/30 蒙福人生–美國紐約
06/04-06/05 蒙福人生–加拿大溫哥華
05/15-05/17 Your Destiny Revealed–China
05/21-05/22 How to Worship a King– Boston, USA
05/29-05/30 The Blessed Life–New York, USA
06/04-06/05 The Blessed Life–Vancouver, Canada
06/04-06/06 Elements–Los Angeles, USA
7月 July
07/03 -07/06才藝品格營-巴別塔之戰
07/03 -07/06 Character Building Camp- The War of Babel

The biggest and the only “Youth Camp” in Taiwan, the 10th Character Building Camp improved both in scale and content this year. During the camp we witnessed transformed lives of the youths, as well as incessant moving moments that inspired us to keep going to the next decade. We will continue to invest in the next generation by training and building up these young people, so that they would be touched by God’s love, becoming the hope and future of Taiwan. This year there were 2,742 participants, 2,383 people were not Christians; and 557 people decided to follow Jesus at the camp.
07/17-07/22 啟動天國人生–台北
07/21-07/22 天國元素–紐西蘭
08/01-08/05 蒙福人生–台北
07/17-07/22 Entering the Kingdom Life–Taipei
07/21-07/22 Elements–New Zealand
08/01-08/05 The Blessed Life–Taipei
08/14-08/16 The Blessed Life、
Your Destiny Revealed–China
8月 August
08/22-08/24 Youth Awakening Conference-Calling

今年特別聚焦在「呼召Calling」上,除了主講牧者之外,更邀請了來自職場與宣教禾場的精英、牧者來「Awakening Talk」現身說法。藉著他們的生命鼓勵年輕人,除了找到人生的呼召之外,也讓前輩的生命歷程能夠成為效法與跟隨的榜樣。
The topic this year was “Calling”. Apart from the main speakers, we also invited evangelists and people who excel in their careers to share their testimonies in the “Awakening Talk”. These testimonies encouraged the young people to search for their callings in life, and the speakers themselves were living testimonies for the youths to follow and emulate.
9月 September
09/19-09/21 ID走入命定」–中國
10/14、10/21 ID走入命定–台北靈糧堂裝備課程
09/08-09/10 The Blessed Life–Tainan
09/15-09/17How to Worship a King–Taipei
09/19-09/21 The Blessed Life–China
09/24-09/26 The Blessed Life–Sydney, Australia
10/14、10/21 Your Destiny Revealed–Equip Courses, Taipei Bread of Life
10月 October
10/16-10/19 天國恩典文化特會
10/16-10/19 The Grace
Randall Worley(藍道夫‧沃力)牧師三度來台,以獨特角度顛覆了這個人們習以為常的價值觀,進一步帶領弟兄姊妹認識恩典文化的面貌。
This was the third time Pastor Randall Worley came to Taiwan. He gave unique perspectives that challenged the prevalent values of our days, hence teaching the brothers and sisters to recognize the culture of grace more deeply.
10/20-10/22 啟動天國人生–高雄
10/31-11/10 美國Bethel伯特利教會參訪團
11/11、11/18 ID走入命定–台北靈糧堂裝備課程
11/13-11/16 君尊的敬拜–台北
10/20-10/22 Entering the Kingdom Life- Kaohsiung
10/31-11/10 Bethel Church Visit, USA
11/11、11/18 Your Destiny Revealed–Equip Courses, Taipei Bread of Life
11/13-11/16 How to Worship a King–Taipei
11月 November
11/29-12/01 自由特會
11/29-12/01 Freedom Conference

由Think Differently諮商輔導中心創辦人Bob Hamp (鮑伯・漢普)及其妻子Polly Hamp (波莉‧漢普)共同分享,透過進階的全新課程,帶領弟兄姊妹學習以一個不同的眼光看待自己在這地上的角色,並知道該如何與神國連結。
Sharing from the founder of Think Differently Counseling Center Bob Hamp, and his wife Polly Hamp. Through brand new courses, Bob and Polly Hamp taught the brothers and sisters to see their roles on this earth from a different perspective, and to know how to connect with the Kingdom of God.
1月 January
1/21-1/22 超自然敬拜研習晚會
1/21-1/22 Supernatural and Creativity Worship Night
持續邀請到Dan McCollam 牧師來台灣分享,如何發掘自己的歌曲中所蘊含的屬天影響力!並告訴大家,如何透過歌曲來醫治、發預言,以及釋放天使。同時也讓弟兄姊妹明白,歌曲是可以轉化世界的!並且可以讓全地經歷神、心意更新,甚至影響經濟與生態。
We continued to invite Pastor Dan McCollam to Taiwan to speak at this event and to share about discovering heavenly power from worship songs. He also taught the congregation how worship songs may bring healing, make one prophesy and release angels. He demonstrated that music has transformational power, which enables us to experience God fully, to be restored and to even influence the economy and our environment.
2月 February
2/16-2/18 天國文化特會-健康的家庭 轉化的教會
2/16-2/18 Kingdom Culture Conference- Healthy Homes and Transformed Churches

邀請美國伯特利教會使徒性團隊資深領袖比爾・強生(Bill Johnson)牧師,及首次來到台灣的美國Gateway教會主任牧師羅伯特・莫里斯(Robert Morris)兩位牧者同台分享。他們以實際又極富啟發性的角度回應問題,包括教會如何影響社會、牧者如何教養孩子、經營與屬靈夥伴的關係等,對各樣議題皆有精闢見解,在場牧者、弟兄姐妹受益良多。
We invited Pastor Bill Johnson, senior leader of apostolic team from Bethel Church America and Pastor Robert Morris, lead pastor of Gateway Church to give messages. Using practical and thought-provoking perspectives to answer questions, they spoke about how churches can influence the community, parenting skills, and investing in relationships with spiritual partners. The congregation was blessed hearing their thoughts filled with much wisdom.
5月 May
5/17-5/29 北美短宣隊
5/17-5/29 North America Mission Trip

這次的北美短宣隊,總共去了兩個國家、三個城市:美國紐約、洛杉磯,以及加拿大渥太華。除了配搭在靈糧特會的服事之外,也在這些城市開設了「君尊的敬拜」與「蒙福人生」裝備課程,這些課程在北美華人教會反應極佳,他們渴望領受更多天國文化的信息,除了極力邀請Asia for JESUS團隊再次回到北美之外,有些教會也已經開始透過這些教材,自行在教會開課。
This time members of the North American Short-term Mission Trip went to two countries and three cities: New York, Los Angeles, and Ottawa, Canada. In addition to Bread of Life Conferences, “How to Worship a King” and “The Blessed Life” equip courses were also offered in these cities. These courses received good responses from the Chinese churches in North America, and they were eager to receive more messages. In addition to inviting the Asia for JESUS team to return to North America again, some churches have begun to teach themselves in the church using these materials.
7月 July
7/4-7/7 才藝品格營
7/4-7/7 Character Building Camp

2016才藝品格營再次於台中逢甲大學舉辦,透過「Hunger Man」的主題設計,以智慧、積極、合作三項品格為主軸,並透過一系列的前導影片幫助學員融入營會情節。才藝教室內容豐富多元,包含吉他、爵士鼓、籃球、桌球、藝術創作、手作料理、HIPHOP街舞等精彩課程,再創難忘的夏日回憶。
The 2016 Character Building Camp was once again held at Feng Chia University in Taichung. Through the theme “Hunger Man”, students were encouraged to grow in wisdom, positivity and cooperative skills, and a series of relevant videos were available to watch during the camp. The talent classes was rich in content, including lesson on guitar, jazz drums, basketball, ping-pong, artistic creation, culinary, HIPHOP street dance and other exciting courses, creating unforgettable summer memories for these students.
8月 August
2016/8-2017/1 超自然敬拜學院
2016/8-2017/1 Supernatural Worship School
8/23-8/25 青年覺醒特會
8/23-8/25 Youth Awakening Retreat

For the first time, we invited Pastor Chris Owens, the pastor of the outreach ministry of Bethel Church USA. He is especially good at motivating students, encouraging students to bravely step out of their comfort zones to evangelize. In addition, Pastor Teresa Dedmon, the head of the creative ministry also of Bethel Church, has overturned many stereotypes of evangelism; she demonstrated prophesying people through balloon modeling, singing songs to people, and dancing. As the student community learned to embrace their own creative skills, they can bravely become a blessing to others through their unique creativity.
8/24-8/25 青年佈道會
8/24-8/25 Youth Evangelical Service
Two evangelistic meetings took place on the first and third night of the Youth Awakening Retreat. The students were shown what they learned during the retreat was able to produce fruits, and not just theories written on paper. Pastor Chris Owens, Pastor Timothy Yen and Pastor Teresa Dedmon were present at the retreat, and there were many healing miracles happening, and some people decided to believe in the Lord after seeing these miracles!
9月 September
9/6-9/9 天國恩典文化特會
9/6-9/9 Kingdom Culture of Grace Retreat
Pastor Randall Worley came to Taiwan for the second time, and during the retreat he led the congregation to understand the culture of heavenly grace through the Bible more comprehensively. The word of God is powerful, and many people came to know their identities in Christ and value through the Truth, restoring their relationships with the Father.
9/17-9/18 紐西蘭短宣隊
9/17-9/18 Short-term Missionary Trip, New Zealand
10月 October
10/12-10/14 先知學校
10/12-10/14 Prophetic School

有別於以往的先知性特會,克里斯・韋羅頓(Kris Vallotton)牧師按步就班地培訓弟兄姐妹,以正確的態度和方式運用先知性恩賜。盼望教會揮別過去誤用或濫用先知性恩賜的歷史,重新開啟神對先知性恩賜的美好心意,為教會和社會帶來建造和祝福。
Being a little different from the previous prophetic conferences, Pastor Kris Vallotton patiently trained the brothers and sisters step by step to apply their prophetic gifts in ways that give God glory, It has been his hope that the church will step out from the history of misuse or abuse of prophetic gifts, but to reopen God's good intentions for prophetic gifts, and to build up and bless the church and our communities.
11月 November
11/2-11/9 Bethel Church參訪團
11/2-11/9 Bethel Church Visit
2016年Asia for JESUS規劃了加州的伯特利教會(Bethel Church)參訪包含參加特會、參訪各樣事工及主日崇拜等。不僅從講員的分享中得著極大的更新,也學習到許多極富價值的經驗,並將這些經驗和恩膏傳遞回自己的教會。
In 2016, Asia for JESUS visited the Bethel Church in California to participate in their conferences, to visit different ministries, and to attend worship services on Sundays. Not only did the team received much from the speakers’ sharing, they also learned a lot of valuable experiences and gifts to bring back to their churches.
11/10-11/14 東京短宣隊
11/10-11/14 Short-term Missionary Trip to Tokyo

今年協會繼續舉辦 Japan for JESUS特會,持續挑旺日本弟兄姐妹傳福音的負擔,訓練傳福音技巧,並直接上街頭佈道,帶領多位路人信主。
This year, the team continued to host the Japan for JESUS conference, which continued to encourage and burden the Japanese brothers and sisters to evangelize, train in evangelism skills, and participate in street evangelism leading many passers-by to believe in the Lord.
11/29-12/01 ID特會
11/29-12/01 You Destiny Revealed Conference

ID特會內容,為Gateway教會主任牧師Robert Morris為幫助會友發掘恩賜才幹、熱情負擔,並找到人生使命與命定的課程,幫助每個人都能在職場、教會事工或志工團隊中,找到自己最能被發揮和成全的位置。上完此訓練課程,即能成為講師,並可於教會培訓同工及會友,或運用於職場。本次課程由Lifeflow & Leadership事工的負責人Allan Kelsey牧師、和David Thompson牧師擔任講員,帶領學員重新認識自己!
During the conference, the lead pastor of Gateway Church Robert Morris helped the congregation to discover their gifts and passion, and to find their identities and missions in life. This may help people find the positions they can best fulfilled in their workplace, church ministries and volunteer positions. After completing the training, people can become the lecturer qualified to train others in the church, or in their workplace. The course was led by Pastor Allan Kelsey, the head of the Lifeflow & Leadership ministry and Pastor David Thompson, who led the participants to rediscover who they are!
1月 January
Kingdom Culture Leaders’ Summit

1,168 people during the day course and 4,051 people in the evening conference.